Software Developer Inspired by 15 Years of competing in game of Go

Applying the lessons I've learned from 15 years of competing in Go to software development. If you’re a recruiter, a fellow developer or a tech enthusiast, I’d love to hear from you.

Get In Touch

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What I Do

Full-Stack Development

Full-Stack Development

Building both the front end and back end for web applications using various technologies.

Most used stack

Most used stack

Python, JavaScript, Docker, Django



I have an interest in writing copy to bridge the gap between software development and business.



Managing deployment processes. Testing, configuring and launching software.

Recent Projects

Milky Way: Chat App

Real-Time Chat App built with Flask, Socket.IO and Docker.

python python javascript javascript redis redis nginx nginx ansible ansible docker docker flask flask css css postgreSQL postgreSQL

UGK Student

UGK Student: A Collaborative Project for a Go Club

python python javascript javascript django django nginx nginx docker docker css css postgreSQL postgreSQL

About Me

About Me

Hi, I'm Dusan

In September 2009 I made a decision, my life changed.

I applied to Go school in Korea.

Spent 12 hour days of intense studying and competing for 2 years. I became obsessed with productivity.

Today that led me to:

  • Compete in 204 tournaments
  • Live in Asia for 2 years
  • Win national scholarship for 9 years
  • Travel to 30+ countries

This interest in problem solving translated into software development in 2019...


How adaptable are you to new technologies and programming languages?


I enjoy learning new technologies. At my previous company, I quickly learned and used Django, Ansible, Docker, Wagtail, and JavaScript. If you would like references, please feel free to contact me.

Can you work well with our team?


Yes, playing Go has taught me so. I have successfully worked with people from over 30 countries, each with very different backgrounds.

How do your Go skills translate to software development?


Go is about finding and solving problems. Strategic planning, quick decision-making and continuous learning. All of these help in software development.

Which technologies do you use most often?


I primarily work with Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Docker. Additionally, I use various frameworks and tools built upon these technologies.